Listed in order of amounts
Flip through recipe books
What fits with contents stocked in cupboard, fridge and freezer
Nothing ~ almost ~ well maybe
Opening my mind and my cupboards, ideas inched forward
Historical aromas and tastes had nose a-twitch and tastebuds aquiver.
But I could use this and
I could use that and
oh, yes I’ve got this in the freezer
salt and pepper not a problem
spices? hmmmm? rosemary’s good for taste and colour
Spices and foods shuffle and shift places in my mind til
click! ~ it all should work.
Light frying, chopping and stirring
The recipe book lies forgotten on the cupboard
transformed into a mind booster not a recipe finder.
Cooking debris of dirtied pots and pans, spoons and stirring things cleared up, washed and put away.
No pictures ~ dinner tucked quickly away in stomachs, fridge and freezer.
Two medium potatoes
Two Roma tomatoes
Salt and pepper
Olive oil
1/2 thinly sliced onion
Parmesen cheese* (optional)
Put onion, cubed potatoes and cubed tomatoes in frying pan. Stir to combine, just warming to coat all with the chicken drippings in the pan. Sprinkle with small amount of rosemary.
When thoroughly coated, spoon over chicken in baking pan. Sprinkle again with pepper and salt (optional). Scatter two tablespoons of rosemary over all.
Serve with a salad or other hot green vegetables! Mmmmm good!
“The only real stumbling block is fear of failure.
In cooking you’ve got to have a what-the-hell attitude.”
~ Julia Child
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