And no real traditional Easter meal ~ at least in the evening.
then a side trip to the dog park at Trout Lake for more chasing and playing.
friends and family - a small gathering around the dining table ~
Scalloped potatoes made with garlic, cream and blue cheese topped with
poached eggs and homemade hollandaise sauce
crisped thinly sliced prosciutto atop
Green salad with slivered almonds and cranberries on the side
Orange juice with white wine, berries and orange slices for some
Orange juice with sparkling elderberry juice for others
Sorry, no pictures ~ just trust me ~ Jason is a wonderful chef!
Did I mention homemade berry sorbet to cleanse the palate at the end of the meal? So lovely!
The evening ‘meal’ ~ a wonderful bowl of homemade jambalay.
Intention and no intention ~ both satisfied.
“Whatever satisfies the soul is truth.”
~ Walt Whitman
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