
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Marginalized Health Care

Time from last drink of alcohol to a liver transplant: six months, a requirement before surgery. Sobriety before any surgery is only logical and definitely necessary. What supports were put in place to allow this to occur? Early sobriety can be at least as devastating mentally and emotionally as recovering from major surgery ~ unless the individual is offered treatment and support for this chronic disease condition.

All details surrounding this constitutional challenge by Ms. Deborah Selkirk in Ontario are limited to media reports. Ms. Selkirk’s husband Mark died in 2010 due to liver disease caused by his alcoholism. If offers of assistance with early sobriety, as part of the health care issue, were made there is no mention of them. Ethical nursing care and medical management would dictate a plan of care to stabilize any and all health and disease conditions.

In my opinion, our health care system has failed when 
a doctor fails to treat an illness that is treatable."
~ Kevin Alan Lee, The Split Mind: Schizophrenia

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