
Saturday, January 24, 2015

On an Afternoon Walk ~ The Song Bush

Welcome fresh air and misty rain accompany me on my walk into my afternoon break down a gritty grey sidewalk where parking meters stand at attention and tick away the time.

Rows of vehicles on one side in a broad parking lot wait patiently for owner’s return,
orange parking tags dangling from rear few mirrors.
On the other side the manicured song bush rises high in the air at the end of a non-descript apartment block,
a thick green brown latticed apartment block for tiny grey finches that twitter and sing from dawn to dark.
Orange berries dangle from rain wet branches, ever bearing banquets for the feathered chorus.

Hidden on branches by twigs and leaves, tiny wrens and bright berries decorate city concrete and housing just because they can.

“With innovation and technology, seems we have forgotten 
to cherish the true beauty the world has to offer.”
~ A.C.Van Cherub, 2008

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