
Friday, July 17, 2015

The Heart of the Matter

Oral tradition brings stories into clinical settings.
The changing of traditions vying with the changing of technology ~
yet within the tasks of nursing,
surrounding each interaction with an individual in care,
underneath the science of research and medicine is a kind voice, a supportive hand, education about self care ~
belief in, not only the science of nursing, but the art and spirit of nursing.
It is always practicing the art and the spirit of nursing that heals and encourages health.
Oral tradition tells us to share our experience with students and young nurses to tell where nursing has come from, where it is now and pass the next step on to them ~
stories start with our own experiences from when we were students and young nurses hearing stories of experience from the senior nurses of the day.

 “Our stories matter...Your stories matter...For you never know 
how much of a difference they make and to whom.”
~ Caroline Joy Adams

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