I had no idea what to do. Arriving in my new apartment, I had only one chair to sit on. The mirror, left behind, was high on the wall, reflecting what was behind me. Had I made a mistake? The great grand windows looked out over the city but only if I looked closely would I be able to see rooftops, latticed roadways and treetops in bunches of green. The Penthouse Suite. It had sounded so glamourous and it would be ~ when all my furniture arrived, placed as only I wanted it. Hands on my knees, feet flat on the floor, I breathed in deeply and slowly. Sunlight warming the room seemed to bring warmth into me with each breath. How could this new life be a mistake? Yes, I was far away from my family and the life I had known but I was in a place of change. Both in my surroundings, in my heart and in my head. The empty room did not seem so empty anymore as I felt the floor beneath my feet. Solid and real. I lifted my eyes to the mirror and imagined my life reflected there. With the next breath I breathed in the newness and frightening challenge of growing up.
“Growing up changes more than
playground games and body shapes.”
~ Emma Cameron, Cinnamon Rain
Author's note: Edited January 21, 2024
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