Henry Cavill was impressive, but mild mannered, as Superman. Ben Affleck was just as impressive, in a rather dark way, as Batman. Superman the superhero from outer space, raised on a farm in Kansas. Batman, just an ordinary, wealthy business man. Both fought evil but from their own perspective. Government, as always, interfered in how, when and where Superman should be fighting for good - concerned about the death and destruction that was wrought in his wake. The attention paid to Batman was at a lower policing level, as he chased, caught and branded the bad guys to right the evils and injustices of human traffiking and horror. His cruelty was not to be accepted - even if it was the bad guys that got burned with his ‘Bat Brand’.
Superman’s mom, Martha, played by Diane Lane, uttered the first of the comic lines, and was solidly in his corner. Lois Lane, played by Amy Adams, was the love of his life. Batman, was more of a James Bond type guy but still a romantic loner. His mother, also named Martha, had been murdered in his presence when he was a very young lad, putting a vigellante spin on his entire life. He even had Alfred J. Pennyworth, played by Jeremy Irons, in the Bat Cave creating and repairing all of his weapons of destruction and of course developing the ultimate Bat Suit for that final epic battle. The Bat Cave was Ben Affleck’s own private gym. And of course, there was Lex Luthor, played with evil brilliance by Jesse Eisenberg, the psychotic mad scientist who’s self proclaimed role was to bring these two superheros together, one to kill the other and bring the ‘right’ kind of order to the planet. Oh, and there was a nasty kryptonite weapon planned for the final battle.
And don’t forget Perry White, played by Laurence Fishburne, the demanding and forceful editor of the Planet who was Clark Kent’s earthly nemesis in Clark Kent’s job as mild mannered reporter. There is another of our superheroes in this movie that I’ll leave for you to find out for yourself. She, like many women, comes in to, well sort of, save the day - in a very athletic way!
The score for this movie carried the tension and story line all the way through. The digitization and graphics were amazing and realistic. Sorry all you reviewers that panned this movie. You really missed a good movie. Superman vs Batman is a serious, and a seriously good movie!
The score for this movie carried the tension and story line all the way through. The digitization and graphics were amazing and realistic. Sorry all you reviewers that panned this movie. You really missed a good movie. Superman vs Batman is a serious, and a seriously good movie!
“That’s how it starts. The fever, the rage, the feeling
of powerlessness that turns good men…cruel.”
~ Alfred J. Pennyworth (from the Bat Cave)
Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice
~ Alfred J. Pennyworth (from the Bat Cave)
Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice
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