
Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Old Habits Die Hard

Old Habits Die Hard

Harry’s back was sore. His knees ached. And his shoulders. His shoulders felt pushed down and heavy. Harry the Habit was quite grumpy. He heaved himself out of his comfortable old chair, scrabbling around for his walking stick. A walking stick as old and gnarled as he was. 

“I’m getting too old for this and I’m just plain tired.”

Harry the Habit had had to watch his language far too long. When Lulu was a child, he understood. Now? She hadn’t been a child for longer than he’d been alive. Now he had a few choice words for her when she used him as an excuse for not getting things done. Things she said she wanted to do. Always getting them started and then running out of steam. Blaming it on Harry the Habit. No wonder his back was so hunched and sore. Clothing? He had to throw on any old robe lying around. He had warty bumps and lumps on his nose and his ears. When he was young, he was tall, handsome with baby smooth skin.

When Harry had landed the assignment to teach the child her life lessons, he had been on top of the world, flushed with pride that he had been chosen. He did think it would be a piece of cake, but didn’t know that the precious baby girl would grow up. Grow up and learn more than he would teach her. Then he was afraid that he would sit in a quiet corner, gathering the dust that floated through the child’s mind. When she didn’t need him anymore, he would just get tossed on the ‘lesson’s learned’ scrap heap.

Every day, as soon as she got out her paper, pen and those new fangled technology things, he had to hoist himself up and get to work securing all the old habits. “Sit still and colour.” “Don’t be silly.” “You won’t be playing with paper dolls when you’re a big girl.”

Didn’t Lulu know she was a big girl and had been for decades! Always too busy with her life outside of her head to pay attention to old Harry the Habit. All those habits they had established were useless. Harry felt useless. Actually, Harry was bored. Why was she never curious enough to create any new habits? Put a new twist on some of the oldies but goodies. 

This making sure to stay stuck was just so much noise. ‘Harry, the tape’s come loose again.’ ‘Harry. The door's open and it’s drafty in here.’  ‘Harry….. pound a nail, get some more glue, seal up that window. 

He Was Too Old.

Well next time she asked him to keep her stuck he was just going to say No. Do it yourself. Harry would hand her his tool box, go back to his chair, turn the TV on and unless he had any new ideas he wouldn’t reply. 

“Enthusiasm is the electricity of life. How do you get it? 
You act enthusiastic until you make it a habit.”
~ Gordon Parks

Author's note: Edited January 21, 2024

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