
Friday, September 2, 2016

Ruined Routine

Spontaneity ruins routine
Spoils order
Shucks off shoulds and shouldn’ts

Breaks through clouds of doubt
Snaps chain link schedules like twigs
Scrambles over buttresses of political correctness

Spontaneity steps outside in the cold rain
To sit at the table under the shelter of upstairs
To write about ruined routines of reading stacks of books

Spontaneity ruins routines but
When stuffed into any routine finds corners
To ponder ways to bring colour to rules and regulations

Colouring inside black outlines of visions
Sketched and drawn by the powers that be
Finding a light switch hidden under dusty habits

Spontaneity ruins routine and
Blows away dust bunnies gathering quietly
In little pillows of graying softness.

Rounding out each day with a new dance
Designed by spirit from the inside knowing
spontaneity sees little from the outside world.

Spontaneity ruins routines and 
Shapes choices and learning
Giving passion and belief to the life that we live.

“The human spirit lives on creativity and dies in conformity and routine.”
~ Vilayat Inayat Khan

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