
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

One Nurse's Belief

Of the ugly things in this world I see
beauty nestled deep in the soul.

But wait. I don’t see ugly things
but ugly actions from the soulless.

But wait again. Who has no soul?
A soul is unseen, unheard, nor smelled.

How does anyone know that someone whose actions are horribly wrong

is missing that thing called a soul.
My brain struggles with this difficult task

to decide who is deserving until

with hope I look in their eyes ~

Yes, I do know that eyes can be masked.
My job as a nurse is to open my hands

to offer care, connection and share my belief ~

all are deserving no matter their past.

Is this an excuse to be hurt or abused?
Definitely not. Respect must be drawn to the fore.

The art of a nurse is deeper than just an offer or share
~ to let someone go is the hardest of all that is hard.

While a soul’s beauty is shadowed by pain,
it shines weakly, and always is there.

“I don’t deserve a soul, yet I still have one. I know because it hurts.”
~ Douglas Coupland, The Gum Thief

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