Table Talk
Hints about belief were passed carefully around the table that evening at supper. So many people had challenged Stan about his beliefs about hope. Called him a Polly Anna. A bleeding heart liberal. And a few other choice names that hurt him to the core. Stan was the not really black sheep of the family and was home for a brief visit.
Discussions about politics could become very animated and often heated. Discussions about money were the same. Discussions about belief were different. Belief about religion, about how life should be lived ~ about deep personal daily living practices created a hush in the room. Only the clinking of cutlery against china cut the silence. Everyone slipped back to days before they all were grown up and out from under ledge of adolescence.
‘So, Stanley. Where are you going to work next? Will it be in the city or are you off again to some Third World country where you are in danger?’ Stan’s mother’s charity work had been limited to her church and the surrounding community. That wasn’t even fair. That kind of charity work was incredibly necessary for the life blood of any community.
‘Well mom, I won’t be leaving the country but will be working with some communities in the north…..’
‘Let’s just change the subject. You know that we don’t need to talk about all your crazy helping situations. Mother, why did you even ask about what he’s up to while we’re having a pleasant dinner.’ Stan’s father’s booming voice cut his explanation off. Any hope of sharing his excitement about the new initiative working with Chiefs and northern Bands was cut off.
Stanley believed in his work with communities that were restoring their own beliefs. To aid in restoring communities to health in his own country was an honour for Stanley. No matter political differences, Stanley had great hope for individuals of each community. He believed, along with most of his colleagues, that it was the health of the communities that supported the country's health. However, that was not to be discussed at this dinner table. Stanley looked forward to discussions around kitchen and board room tables in the north.
In the living room, after the table was cleared and the dishes done, the evening ended with an animated game of rummy.
“Discussion is impossible with someone who claims
not to seek the truth, but already to possess it.”
~ Romain Rolland, Above the Battle
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