Let me tell you about the morning walk. After over ten years, we are an ever dwindling group - until we get to the coffee shop at Fisherman’s Wharf. There we are met by members of our group who no longer walk a full distance, but do not miss the camaraderie, photos and laughter over coffee or tea. This brilliantly multi coloured bird, sitting high up in the branches along the way, trilling happily into the blue, seemed to welcome spring. I was able to capture this photo. Birds usually fly off as soon as I reach for my camera, but not this one. Even when pairs of joggers caused me to hesitate.
Technology has come, not just to the younger crowd, but to those of us who are rather gray atop. One of our members has a Bird finding App on her cell phone. Pulling out my cell phone, I offered my device to her. Our description was 'robin sized, white breast with orange on either side, and black head, two white spots on the underside of the tail'. The striking bird trilled and trilled into the cool morning air. Unfortunately, there was no match. So devices were put away. Conversation continued about movies, grandbabies, probably politics and so much else. The little bird, and it’s identity, was lost. The only piece of dissatisfaction in my Turn Around Monday.
“Tiny details imperceptible to us decide everything!”
~ W.G.Sebald, Vertigo
Please leet me know if you find out what it is
Hi Valerie,
The bird is likely a Spotted Towhee. My sister in Alberta sent me this website on Facebook: http://www.audubon.org/field-guide/bird/spotted-towhee. I've gone the site. It is really a great site.
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