Reading is one of the activities I enjoy frequently. I’m not sitting every minute of every day with my nose in a book, my eyes glued to a page, but I read regularly and often. Each time I read, there is some form of message delivered through the air. If it is a novel, my heartstrings are plucked. If it’s an advertisement, I may get annoyed, amused or intrigued with the creativity. If it’s an article in a magazine or on-line, my heart-strings again get plucked or my anger button pushed. In it all, I can visualize the author sitting with pen in hand or, more likely, at a keyboard tapping out a message for any and all of us to read. No longer a simple signal, but a wordy message. While I am not always grateful to read opinions diametrically different from my own, I am definitely pleased to live in a country where opinions can be expressed openly. Not suppressed. Unfortunately, and at the same time, we are living too close to an edge where some have leapt off into a hurtful expression of opinion. There are too many tapping out, or more vociferously shouting, their thoughts. Maybe I should be grateful when my ‘anger button’ is pushed. Grateful for the energy I feel when such injustices are felt. Hunting and pecking on Grandpa’s typewriter was merely an exercise in finger gymnastics and seeing a black mark appear on a blank page. The black marks we hear, read and see today have a huge potential to distract us from reality.
“Distinguishing the signal from the noise requires
both scientific knowledge and self-knowledge.”
~ Nate Silver
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