Changing Scenery
’The scene was idyllic. My thoughts not so much. I knew if I just convinced myself to follow the path before me I would lose myself in the gentle scenery. It had been a rough day. No, not a rough day. It had been a rough week. My home had been invaded by workers. My dishwasher had sprung a leak and when the repairman came to assess the damage, he discovered a slow leak that had finally burst one of the hoses. How long it had been leaking he couldn’t tell. I had to move out of my house while they replaced my entire kitchen floor. The only thing available was a squalid little motel on the other side of town. It just made my heart break. But, I’m tough. I took a deep breath and turned away from my home and the motel. On my way to the motel, I passed an RV lot with big RENT ME signs plastered against the fences surrounding the lot. I wheeled in and rented the first one that I was shown. I had to take my car home but returned by taxi. And now here I was in this peaceful and idyllic spot, away from the city, on time off from my job and away from my kitchen mess. The deep breath I took as I settled in the campsite was cool and smelled of summer leaves. The rough edges of my week were softened. I shut off my cell phone and put it away’……………(timer rang!)
“A change of scenery can help everything.”
~ Drew Pomeranz
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