In the ‘all u need workshop’ the natural world becomes art, the old becomes recycled and artistically repurposed. Kelp from the shoreline curled around broomsticks or any tubular object, allowed to almost dry and taken off when still pliable creates loops and curls for home decor. Grasses dried and woven into mats for wall hangings. Seed pods dried and gathered together in upside down bouquets. Very old postcards, that did the work in a day or longer that cell phones and texting does in minutes, Melanie embroiders mountain tops and tree-lines. As rain began to drip down through the spaces between trees, we helped clear off an outdoor table of sketch books. All the world looks so much more interesting after visiting Melanie Thompson’s all u need workshop that displays her love of nature’s gifts. Discovering this gift for ourselves is available every day.
“Never miss an opportunity of noticing anything of beauty….”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nature and Walking
Fundraising event for: Saltspring Women Opposed to Violence and Abuse
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