
Friday, November 23, 2018


I feel like a lab rat trapped 
inside the maze of my skin
feeling all the twinges of my age
not serious twinges but enough that
I hear whispers - 'Scurry off to a doctor.'
'Tell me what's really wrong.'

I know that my nursing wisdom 
tells me that there are a million reasons
for each twinge, ache or pain and that 
asking for machines to beep and buzz
is not a good use of our health care system.

I get scared and know that
my twinges will result in 
fatal disease or major surgery,
chronic consequences filled 
with pain and disability

I feel like an explorer
investigating the depths of my body
ferreting out forgotten strengths
finding that I am not trapped but
I am healthy with no need for labels or prescriptions.

my inner wisdom may grow weak
but if I breathe deeply it glows with strength 
finding peace for soul and family, 
healing for body and mind 
knowing that a twinge may just be a twinge.

“It's never too late to learn some embarrassingly basic, 
stupidly obvious things about oneself.”
~ Alain de Botton

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