The following is from a writing exercise borrowed from the book Walking in The World by Julia Cameron. The words in italics are direct quotations from that book. I have already completed this exercise in my personal journal with answers a bit different. There are a total of 10 questions. I’ve done the first six on November 7th post. I've written and posted the 7th, 8th and 9th questions over the next three days. Today, is my final post for When I Was a Child, completing the ten questions. Here is the final post for Identify Your Identity in Chapter Two of Walking in The World.
When I was a Child - Final Post for Identify Your Identity
I now commit to this dream by…..Wow! Committing to a dream that is not productive? In my upcoming retirement!? Yes. Why not? So my commitment is to daily writing, reading, pursuing further education about writing (that last one will have to wait til next year). I want to feel the peace and interest that I felt when I was designing gowns for my paper dolls so very long ago.
“You always have two choices: your commitment versus your fear.”
~ Sammy Davis, Jr.
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