Have I answered the questions: Anything big? A trip? Something exciting? Quite frankly, it feels as though I have, but in my own way.
Anything big: creating life boundaries. Not with brick walls or with locked doors, but flexible boundaries between joy and frustration. Learning a new way to live, not retiring (pun not intended) to the couch and staring blankly out the window. That seems pretty big to me.
A trip: I’ve not really explored Victoria, or the Gulf Islands and then there are trips to visit family and friends ~ some not seen for many years. So it’s not a trip - it’s plural ‘trips’. When those will take place - no plans yet. I do foresee trip or trips will involve some train travel though.
Something exciting: It really all seems exciting to me because much of it may just involve travel and new experiences!
My own ideas: First of all writing is high on that list. A big, big thank you to all that have read my blog over the last many years. You have all been party to this part of my retirement plan. Writing has long been pivotal to my retirement plans. I began writing because I wanted to get all my thoughts out of my head where they were in constant battle as to who or what was most important. I have worked, daily, on developing a writing practice that has found its own rhythm. A rhythm I can and do take anywhere.
Next on the list ~ I want to learn lessons of all kinds ~ Writing, cooking, driving, sewing and anything else that comes along. Again it seems as though short, and maybe extended, trips may be involved.
And finally ~ or perhaps on a daily basis, emptying boxes, closets and cupboards to see what has been stored for decades. Changing the look of my wardrobe ~ which has been tailored to my nursing shifts. This is a whole new shift full of creativity, imagination and expansion. But no pressure ~ if life throws me a curve ball I just may have to learn to play hard ball.
“Without leaps of imagination or dreaming, we lose the excitement
of possibilities. Dreaming, after all is a form of planning.”
~ Gloria Steinem
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