And then there is the goal of keeping, for an entire year, all valid receipts, T4 slips and all other slips from employers ~ anything to do with income and expenditure. Gathering them all together neatly, filling out and filing the necessary tax return on time ~ or paying someone else to do it. Neatness is kind of achieved ~ coloured paper clips and a file folder helps. Whether they’re in the right order for the person that does my taxes, because I certainly don’t do my own taxes, is another issue. That may be a goal for next year…..or not. On time…..has not been one of my strong suits over the past many years. Will retirement aid in that issue? We’ll wait on that til next year, but I do have a file folder for ‘Next Years Taxes’. Creating, and using, this file folder has helped me achieve part of this year's goal to pay for the many benefits I receive because of paying taxes. The most immediate part of this year’s goal? I’m getting my taxes done and filed in the correct month if not the correct deadline date.
“This is a question too difficult for a mathematician. It should be asked of
a philosopher” (when asked about completing his income tax form.)”
~ Albert Einstein
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