
Thursday, July 11, 2019

Chitter Chatter

Theories abound about 
The reasons for,
The details about,
Whys, wherefores and what ifs
The questions posed

Researchers peer into corners and crevices
to find answers to questions 
that may be age old or
possibly never thought of
except by those researchers

Theories abound when
all that data comes out 
in the newspaper
from a well coifed talking head,
on wildly prolific social media,
or casual social chitter and chatter.

Questions abound leaving us 
wondering how to respond ~
What’s it to me?
How should I include it in my life?
Will it even affect me?

Theories continue bounding
through space and time even when
we go home for supper,
read the newspaper,
listen to newscasts or
check our social media sites.

Theories abound when 
there are humans with opinions
believing what we believe without
knowing that we need to know more
about the facts for our own lives.

Theories, a-bounding like 
fields of rabbits unchecked,
allowed to roam freely,
only provides more rabbits
until we care for one at home.

“ ….the specious meditations, speculations, and theories of mankind 
are but a kind of insanity, only there is no one to stand by and observe it.”
~ Francis Bacon,  Novum Organum

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