
Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Living Villages

Villages are where we go 
when urban life becomes too hectic
and rural life feels too isolated.
We poke into shops and stores,
have coffee or tea in small cafes.
We stroll the sidewalks rather than 
striding with harried purpose.

Villages are where,
in spring, summer and fall,
we go to find a smaller world.
Cold rains or icy snows of winter 
signal time for villages to blossom inside
growing new strengths and plans for 
the scores of people that cherish them.

Villages are where we can be friendly,
chatting with friends or strangers from
countless villages and neighbourhoods ~ 
travellers from around the corner or across the globe
join together, remain or return home. 

Villages are where urban densities have grown
as roads and bridges have gathered them together
into one big urban landscape although
villages, like the individuals that make up humanity,
have made up that whole daunting city.

Villages are where all roads meet
sharing cultures and beliefs until 
we each find a niche that allows 
safety and comfort to envelop us.
Villages are where we all meet and live.

“Even if you live in a big city, everybody lives in a small town. 
We identify ourselves by our neighbourhoods - 
‘I live in the Village, or in Chelsea.”
~ Karin Slaughter

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