At the beginning of each month, I choose a new theme for my writings. I’m not always successful in capturing the theme I’ve chosen, however I always enjoy the word crafting. Each January, the theme is rather more important. 'Cheers' is the word of the day for New Year’s gatherings. It’s also a word heard at banquet tables, at bars or between friends around the kitchen table at any time of the year. I like to think that cheer is somewhat attainable for us all, especially when coming out of dark times. For some, times and situations are very dark, when hope seems to have been merely a dream. So I say 'Cheers!' to everyone for this New Year that we may all find our way, backlit by friendship, fellowship and good cheer.
Come forward……
Health and wealth……
Energy that hasn’t existed…..
Enthusiasm builds slowly……
Renewal and rest are……
Substitutions for last year’s….
“Each age has deemed the new-born year
The fittest time for festal cheer.”
~ Sir Walter Scott
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