Today the House Wren is still busy with his construction. Most of it seems to be interior work right now. It’s a bit cloudy and a much cooler day so I wasn’t certain how active the wrens would be. The male hasn’t got his winged supervisor present today ~ at least I haven’t seen her. Only at my desk now for about ten minutes, I suspect I’ve missed many comings and goings. I have seen one of the hummingbirds zip through the shrub. No stopping for a sip of nectar today.
Why was I busy? Emails to family and friends, texts messaging (also to family), FaceTime (great chat with my son) and ironing. I know that ironing isn’t a preferred activity for many, but I enjoy it for a couple of reasons. It’s actually pretty mindless for tea towels and napkins, but for shirts and pants it actually helps me with focus.Regardless, it slows my very busy brain down. The other reason is that I like the feeling that smoothness gives to a garment. And all the while that I was busy, listening to Michael Enright on the Sunday Edition. All except my FaceTime visit. My last bit? Rice pudding in the slow cooker. I really want some kind of dessert.
All this is trivia but it is so important that we keep a semblance of normalcy in our homes while we are supporting our country with social distancing or any needed social isolation. Watching the birds and squirrels, and sometimes deer is greatly enhanced from a distance. Seeing outside of ourselves to the natural world shows us many lives being lived. Always from a distance.
Take care everyone!
“I imagine a line, a white line, painted on
the sand and on the ocean, from me to you.”
Jonathan Safran Foer, Everything is
*Just as I was finishing up this post, this deer stopped by for a little graze beneath my House Wren bush.
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