
Monday, May 18, 2020

Chapter One, Episode 55 - Woven - Situationally Theirs

June 30, 2020
Review, Edit and Update
Woven is early days for Dez and her orchardist experience. Conversation with Samuel and a DIY project, and a conversation with Emmie about the project create a nice view outside of the Estate house.


“Samuel? Do you want some of that ice tea that you like so much? I want to talk to you about something. I know I'm thirsty and you look like you could take a break. Samuel’s leathered brow was lined with dirt and sweat. Garden was planted. Drip system set up and ready to go. He was up on the roof of the toolshed fixing shingles pried loose by the wind. “What is it you need Miss Dez?” Samuel took the last nail out of his mouth to call over his shoulder. “Yep, sure would like a cold drink of Cook’s tea.” Samuel came down the ladder like he was still seventeen years old. Pulled his red kerchief from his back pocket. Wiped his brow and the back of his neck. 

“I’ll walk up to the house with you. We can talk.”

“Did you tell me yesterday that your grandpappy and the first Mr. Beaufort built the beehives for the orchard when it was new?”

“Yes, ma’am sure did. Seems there’s still a slab of that ancient wood driftin' around here. Why?”

“If my sister, Emmie approves - after all it is her orchard and she is paying for all apiary expenses - we could build our apiary from scratch. And maybe use that old wood somehow. What do you think?”

“Don’t know about the wood. May be too old and dry. I think it’s a fine idea. I’ve never built a beehive before. I think my gran'pappy would like that.”

“We can get the plans from one of my websites. Last night while I was looking things up, one of the websites I was on had directions for a DIY beehive.”

“DIY? What kind of a beehive is that?”

“Sorry Samuel. DIY is: Do It Yourself. Something second nature to you. But to all of us youngsters we have to learn all of these things.” Dez always had liked referring to herself as a youngster.

“That’s just a normal way to live. Somethin’s broke, you fix it. You want somethin' new, you build it.”

“There’s Emmie now. Let’s get our tea and go back to the garden….Emmie, do you have time to come out to the garden? We want to talk with you about making our own beehives.”

“What did you say?” Emmie had been talking to Cook about their food supply. Always planning big, she wanted to set up a restaurant that would cater to the homeless population or to those whose finances had been drastically cut, sending them to Food Banks. Because they were five miles from town, she couldn't turn Cook’s kitchen into a soup kitchen, so Emmie was trying to set up something different to increase accessibility.

“Just a minute Cook, I need to talk with Dez. Now what did you ask me?”

“Get a glass of tea and come out to the garden and to the orchard. Samuel has been telling me the history of bees and beekeeping here at Beaufort.”

“Really? I didn’t even know that there was such a history. I’ve only focused on the house.”

“Excuse me, ladies. I’m goin’ to get back to my work.” Samuel was nervous when there was too much going on up at the house. He tipped his hat, “Mrs Beaufort. Miss Dez” And he was gone.

“Dez, do you mean to tell me that Samuel actually told you a story that was longer than three words?!”

“Yes and you people are too hard on him. He knows more about this place than even Digby. Now, here is what I want to do…….”

Heads together, glasses of dripping iced tea in their hands, the sisters walked to the orchard. They were each finding their places as pandemic restrictions were eased. After hearing Samuel’s story the day before, Dez would forever after see fields of wild flowers under young apple trees, spreading out into the meadow. Dez finally knew where she belonged.

“Old and new make the warp and woof of every moment. 
There is no thread that is not a twist of these two strands.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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