Review, Revision, Edit and Update
Thankfully, this Episode was much more organized. For this update, I recalled a second posting called 'Joey's Rewind' (Episode 87). Before making any changes or adding information, I compared the two episodes, only adding or removing content to maintain and improve consistency. With each review, I learn new areas I need to be alert for.
Dreadlocks, Tattoos and Earrings
“You’ve got to be kidding! A ghost! What kind of a place is that? Oooooooooo - you are vorking at a haunted mansion…Oooooooo.” Steven's wavery voice was drowned out by a passing car.
“Cut it out, Steve. It’s not haunted like that and the ghost is just a little girl. She's not even that scary. And besides that they’re nice people. Maybe a little weird or something, but they told me all about the place and fed me the best roast chicken supper I’ve had in a long time. My mom’s a good cook, but not roast chicken like that. And the pie! Cook said it was French lemon meringue pie. We never eat pie - it has to be fresh fruit and if we’re lucky we get some ice cream with it.”
Joey was sitting on an old vinyl chair in his driveway, plucking on his guitar. No particular melody just the occasional strum and tap on the wood. His friend Steven brought his keyboard out on his driveway for their regular jam session. He was playing no particular melody except something that may have been an attempt at jazz. So far their music only sounded like guys tuning their instruments.
“So what does your mom think?” Steven ran up the keyboard with chords, then tinkled down again. “Did you tell her about the ghost?”
“Not a chance……she probably wouldn’t let me take the job. This Covid thing got us out of going to school everyday, but man, I’m bored. I get my school work done in the mornings, if I get up….and then I’ve got all day. I just need to go out the Beaufort’s, make a couple of beds, clean the toilets, ……do all the stuff that my dad says is women’s work and I’ve still got all evening.” Joey feigned indifference. “The butler guy, think his name’s Dibby or Digby or something, will pay me every two weeks. I don’t know about learning to play this guitar. Looks so easy when Josh plays his.”
Sixteen year old Joey Tucker patted and shaped his hair, but it wouldn't stay put. He really wanted to keep his dreadlocks but his parents wanted him to apply for college. They said he’d be more presentable if he got rid of the dreadlocks and his tattoos and took out his earrings. “But that will change me. Me!” They argued. He yelled. His father got stony silent. His mother cried. He had to compromise just to keep the peace. He let his mom cut his hair. She was actually pretty good. She always cut his dad’s hair and some of her friends, and it turned out ok. The tattoos he couldn’t get rid of, but he could hide them. There weren’t that many anyway. “Some of my friends have them all over their whole body. Every single inch.You and dad are so unfair.”
“Young man, if you want a job now and walk in looking like you haven’t done an honest days work because you’ve spent all your time and money on making sure you look like some….lowlife that could care less……” His mom took a deep breath, wiped her eyes and turned back to her sewing.
“Mom, look. I’m sixteen years old and I know what I’m doing. I’ll try it your way as much as I can. It costs money to get rid of tattoos so, I’ll cover them up if I have to. I’ll wear long sleeves and long pants just for today. But after that I'll only dress like that if an employer that I like insists.”
The earrings were another issue. “And those earrings! Who do you think is going to hire any young person with six earrings in one ear and four in the other - all of them different? Honey, please just grow up….no I didn’t say that. You are grown up, I just want you to be……..” “What mom? Acceptable? Presentable? Conform to what adults want?” Joey was angry. They might as well strip him of any personality at all. So I take out one or two earrings. Does that make me a better person? I’m applying for a cleaning job, mom. Not a CEO position.”
“But all your jobs can go on your resumé, sweetie. Ok. I’ll compromise. You can wear earrings but you need to choose only two…..and the skull earring has to go.”
So here he was, in front of his mirror, looking like a real dork. A dork that was going to clean for some uppity lady on an estate. Trying to keep his hair neat. Only two earrings. Only the top shirt button open and the shirt tucked in. Long sleeves. Long pants. Joey groaned. There weren’t many jobs out there. He had really lucked out. Motorcycle Brigitte, the woman who lived across the street in her parents basement suite told him about this job one day when he was cutting the grass.
Before Brigitte left after a busy workday, she had asked Miss Emelina and Digby about hiring someone for the upstairs cleaning. “I just don’t have time for it since I’ve been working more closely with you Miss Emelina. It’s getting pretty out of order and dusty, especially in the dining room. I know you keep your room clean and tidy, but the rest doesn’t get taken care of on a regular basis. I do know a young man who just may want to earn a little bit of money.” When Brigitte came home that day, Joey was working away in his front yard leaning into his lawnmower. He was always doing something around the house and yard. After he was done his chores, he and Steven had jam sessions in parallel driveways. Even that was orderly. He always put his things away and kept the driveway and front walk clear for his parents when he was done. Dreadlocks, one or two tattoos and earrings had never been able to hide his polite and cheerful attitude. Brigitte thought he would be perfect out at the Estate. “Joey” Brigitte called out to him. “Are you still looking for work?”
“It’s not what you look at that matters; it’s what you see.”
~ Henry David Thoreau
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