This was a pleasant read through. When I have a question about what a character is doing, either while they are speaking or are listening, this is one of my thinking times. I take my hands off the keyboard or put my pen down to imagine the scene. In this Episode I had Brigitte, Martha, Dez and Emmie interacting in a central part of the episode. For the first three, I wanted to 'see' what they were doing. Standing like lumps while one of them spoke, or were they actively listening, focussing on something else with only half an ear to the conversation? These are some of the things I find so very interesting about story writing and word crafting. (besides fixing typos, also part of this morning's revision.)
Listening In
Dez had been half listening, anxious to see inside Martha's home. Brigitte, sharing Dez's anxiety but familiar with the Tucker family, spoke up. “Martha, I’ve met Mrs. Tucker and I think you’d like her. She can be a bit sharp sometimes but has a heart of gold. I don’t know that she’d ever come here but you never know.”
As chatty as Martha was, she also knew how to get on with her own agenda. So, very kindly she said “Well, my dears, I must get over to the Estate house. I only have a couple of things to talk to Cook about. Seems our grocery bill has hit the roof. All these Covid restrictions have pushed the cost of groceries almost out of reach for some unfortunates with families! With all the comings and goings over the last couple of months, we're feeding more people.” Martha waggled her head, waved and sung out a happy ‘Toodle-ooo!’. Off she went with a spring in her step and humming a tune. At the last minute she stopped, turned around and called out “You let me know what you decide and I’ll tell Joanie.” Martha’s daughter Joanie lived in the other half of the duplex. She would miss having her mother next door, but wanted her mother’s happiness with James to be undisturbed. At the same time she welcomed the idea of a new neighbour.
Martha was happy and humming because of her impending nuptials. Martha and James had their timing backwards. Their wedding rehearsal came first on Canada Day. Several days later, they were meeting with the Reverend. The rehearsal had been lovely. It had been in their new backyard with their closest friends, her daughter Joanie and Reverend Tucker on a beautiful warm evening, brushed gently by a soft breeze. Today, they would be having a sit down with the Reverend in the back yard of his rectory to discuss what had become known as 'grey marriage'. Martha had been certain that such a meeting was unnecessary. After all, she’d been married before and felt she knew anything that James would need to know. James, on the other hand, wanted to talk about this pending marriage with a third party present. Martha felt this was important, so she agreed to the meeting, even if it was out of step with the usual process of things. When she asked James why he didn't just talk with Giles, James, choosing his words thoughtfully said “Giles is my closest friend, but I just don't think Giles would be as objective as I'd like.” And, like Martha, he was pleased with Reverend Tucker from the moment they met. When he told her that, Martha decided then and there, that she would bring a little jar of her homemade Pineapple Marmalade for his wife.
Meanwhile, back at Martha’s duplex, Emmie said. “You two go ahead and look inside. I’ll just wait out here on the front step. You don’t need me in there while you decide which one of you is going to rent from Martha.” Brigitte and Dez had learned that, once Martha and Digby moved into their cottage, her half of the duplex would be empty. Although she could have left it to the rumour mill, Martha had sent out an email to staff members (except for James, of course) that her home would be up for rent. It wasn't long before she was contacted by Dez and by Brigitte. Emmie mused on the upcoming changes while the two women were in Martha's home. Waiting for them outside, for the next thirty minutes Emmie sat in the morning sun. She was tempted to open her iPhone and scroll through her pictures, but changed her mind. Putting her phone away, she stretched out her legs, and enjoyed the quiet morning. She barely listened to Dez and Brigitte calling out to each other as they went through the house. “…‘good storage’ ‘……nice windows’ ‘………appliances look new'. Emmie knew that Brigitte lived with her parents and would like the independence of her own place. Dez had her own apartment in Hartley, and was always welcome to sleep over at Emmie’s house. She knew that Dez was considering giving up her apartment in Hartley, renting from Martha so she could be closer to her work at the orchard. So they had to go through the motions. Even so, it was pretty clear to Emmie that Brigitte would take the duplex.
Emmie was right. Brigitte would be renting the duplex. When they went back to the house, Emmie gave Martha her keys. Martha and Brigitte sat down - Martha with tea, Brigitte with coffee - to work out their rental agreement. While they were talking, Dez told Emmie “When I was in Martha’s house, thinking about my own apartment, I just decided I really didn’t want to move out here just yet. If it’s all right with you, I’ll just keep using your spare room when I need to be out here.”
“Of course, Dez!” Emmie really was quite relieved. She enjoyed having her sister with her every now and then. “I do enjoy it when you’re out here. Movies and popcorn in an evening after both of us have been working all day is just wonderful.”
Little ghostly Sarah, hovering at the top of the stairs, wondered at what she heard.
“A person hears only what they can understand.”
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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