
Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Chapter Two, Episode 140 - Meeting the Staff and Sarah - Situationally Theirs

Meeting the Staff and Sarah

James Digby straightened his tie, and tugged at his collar. “My goodness, James. He’s only a boy ~ well a young man. Why on earth am I so nervous?” Martha called to him. “James, it’s time to go. Phillip will be at your office before you are. You look fine, James.” She brushed invisible lint from his jacket. “Now be off with you and tell Elizabeth I’ll be in shortly. I have one or two things to take care of here” Wrinkles creased his forehead. “Don’t worry, I’ll be there on time to meet Phillip. You need to visit with him first. Go. Go….” James kissed her on the forehead, picked up his briefcase and walked out the door. Once on the path between the cottage and the Estate his pace picked up to his usual stride. Taking a deep breath of the morning air, he relaxed. “That’s better. More than just another day at the office. I am looking forward to it all.” At the back of his mind, he was still troubled. How would he explain Sarah to Phillip? What if she takes too much of a shine to him? But he had pushed all that down. Walking into the kitchen, he greeted Elizabeth. “You have our breakfast table all ready for us, Elizabeth. Thank you…..and Martha will be in shortly. She had loose ends to tie up.” 

“Phillip called to say he is on his way. Sounds a nice young man. Just hope he and Sarah get along, James.” James hung his head. “How did you know I’d be worried about her?”

“Because I’ve known you a long time, James Digby. You always hated when she interfered with your dinners. Since it’s been quiet around here, she’s changed a bit.”

“How do you know that, Elizabeth? You’ve never talked about her before.” He looked out the back window for Phillip’s car. “Oh, she comes down here when I’m baking. Can’t eat any of the cookies but she says she like to feel them cooking. She says it’s the only time she feels warm. She’s really a sweet little ghost.”


James and Phillip were sitting in his office getting to know one another. Before he wanted to take him upstairs, he wanted to get the measure of this young man. He was pleased. Despite what Elizabeth had said about Sarah, he was nervous. “Phillip there is one other thing I want to discuss with you before we continue. I hope it doesn’t change your mind about learning from me.” Phillip was curious. He couldn’t imagine what there would be to change his mind. Being a butler seemed quite straightforward. “No problem, Mr. Digby. Just tell me whatever it is.”

Without hesitation, James asked “How do you feel about ghosts?” In his mind he chastised himself  ‘I should have broached that more carefully.’ Phillip learned back in his chair. “Wow! Ghosts? Here?” 

“I won’t be offended if you leave right away, Phillip. I apologize for not telling you sooner. It seemed such a little detail until today.” Phillip put up his hand. “I definitely won’t leave. Ghosts fascinate me. I’ve done a little study on the paranormal.” James smiled. “Sarah has never been a frightening ghost. More annoying than anything.” He glanced up and around the ceiling. “ If she’s here now, she won’t be happy to hear that. She and I have not always been friends.

Phillip had been interested in this new venture. Now he was excited. “Do you think she might come out while I’m here today. What does she like? Is there anything I shouldn’t do? I’m sorry, too many questions.” James had relaxed when he saw the young man’s eyes light up. “Just be yourself. She may materialize if she feels safe around you. Quite young when she passed, about twelve years old, her family came to the Island at the turn of the last century. The story passed down was that she died of influenza. No records to prove that as far as I know. This was her home and she’s never left. There are times when some of us feel like intruders in her home.”


Sarah didn’t materialize that day. She did hover apart from the men to keep an eye on them. Digby had a new man with him. He seemed to be acceptable but over the centuries she had learned to be careful. Some people didn’t believe she was a real presence, others were frightened and some just wanted her to go away. She wanted her home to be a good home. Like it was before she became a ghost. The new man was respectful when he said to the air “Hello Sarah. My name is Phillip. I’d like to meet you someday when you’re ready.” But she stayed hidden. If he came back another time, she might materialize. Cook would tell her next time if he was ok. Cook had never seen Sarah, only felt her presence and was calm. She talked to Sarah on those days and told her what was going on.

James and Phillip toured the house, met with Cook and with Martha for discussions about their role in the Manor house. Discussion with Cook was short and to the point; Martha on the other hand was her chatty self going over details more than once. Both were welcoming. Both confirmed James’ description of Sarah. Cook seemed especially fond of the girl. Suddenly it was five o’clock. A knock on the back door, and a gruff ‘Hello in there’ followed by “You ready to go Elizabeth?”

“Time for all of us to go.” James reached out to Phillip, pumping his hand. “It’s been a pleasure having you here today. There is so much more I want to tell you. I barely got into what we have planned.” He was interrupted by another arrival. “Miss Emelina! Miss Dez! Good evening.” 

“We’re just on our way upstairs. Thought we’d stop and see if you made anything delicious today, Cook.” Dez was already sniffing the air and looking in the refrigerator. “You’re looking in the wrong place. There’s a pot of stew in the oven warming for the both of you, scones in the bread box to go with.”

James  interrupted “We were all about to leave for the day. Now that you’re here, I’d like you to meet Phillip Smith. He’s the young man I’ve been telling you about. We’ve had a good look around the place, lots of discussion and I’ve told him about Sarah. He’s quite interested her.”

“So good to meet you, Mrs. Crawford and this is your sister, Miss Eliot? Also pleased to meet you.”

“It’s so good to meet you, Phillip. I don’t know if James mentioned it, but I prefer to be called Miss Emelina or Miss Em.” Dez spoke up. “I’m just plain Dez, even though these folks call me Miss Dez. You just follow James’ example and you’ll not go wrong.”


Samuel finally got Elizabeth away for their surprise evening out, Martha and James went to their cottage for a quiet evening, Dez and Em had their supper and then watched a movie. Phillip drove away humming a tune, more interested than ever in this new endeavour. Sarah was just a happy little ghost girl.

“It occurred to me that if I were a ghost, this ambience was 

what I’d miss most: the ordinary, day-to-day bustle of the living. 

Ghosts long, I’m sure, for the stupidest, most unremarkable things.”

~ Banana Yoshimoto, The Lake


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