
Saturday, January 13, 2024

Out of the Cold

I was just on my patio clearing frost from the vent for my fireplace. An easy fix so it will burn and add an extra bit of  warmth to my home. My big warm coat, toque, and gloves on, I stood on tiptop for this simple task. A light wind scraped across my face. I shivered and recalled the many patients I’d cared for, their only shelter was hospital, jail or a community shelter with limited bed capacity. On Vancouver Island the temperatures don’t drop out of the frigid north like they do here on the prairies. The folks out here have the same needs: shelter out of the cold.

Tonight I am grateful. Grateful for my home and all that it has brought me. Grateful for the people that man the shelters, hospitals and yes, jails. Families, friend and sometimes strangers that take people in out of the cold. No one can move forward when their world freezes.

“Cold is merciless. It shows you where you are. What you are.”

~ Wim Hof, Dutch celebrity

Temperature as I write this at just after 9 p.m.: -33Centigrade

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