There are many things I love about the Christmas season. The music, the bright lights. The charming Christmas story.
It’s the malls and the technology that seem out of place. Necessary, I suppose, but our kids and grandkids are
missing a real treat ~ shoving me into the generationally challenged category ~ but that’s all right. I earned
every second of these decades. If I hadn’t been from
this technology barren time,
I would have missed out on
the Christmas catalogue. Do you remember
Simpson Sears and Eaton’s catalogues?
Eatons was “Canada’s Christmas Store”.
Shiny colourful pages with beautiful models,
airbrushed too perfectly at a time when that
was okay. Full of everything a kid could
want and more. Sleds, dolls, and toys some
no longer on the market because of perceived
or real danger. But for me I wanted to see
the latest fashions, especially the New Year's
gowns. Getting ideas for the next gowns
I would sketch and colour. I never could get
past the same full skirt and strapless bodice.
Paging through a cold screen with a swipe left,
can't have the same thrill with childhood dreams
and hopes. I do hope that when a child swipes
left, they file in their memory the dream that
wafted from the screen, making their generation
one of wonder when swiping left
has become a memory.
“Whether you shop in person or by ‘phone, you’ll find the people
at Eaton’s friendly and helpful…in the true spirit of Christmas.”
From an Eaton’s Christmas Catalogue, 1960
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