
Tuesday, February 11, 2025


A rock in the sun!

Eager to find answers 

to the many questions 

posed over the last few 


What’s happening?

   When will it happen? 

     What will happen? 

And the biggest question of all: WHY? ~ 

It set my head spinning, 

my heart bursting with 

fear of the unknown. 

I have a remarkable imagination 

when it comes to the unknown. 

The worst will always happen and 

mostly to……Everyone!!……

Deep breath, my eagerness became 

finding untroubled waters ~ or in 

the case of this prairie winter ~

pristine white waves of snow.

In the cold clear air, fear of the unknown vanished

It did help to stop doom scrolling news reports………

“It is the still, small voice that the soul heeds, 

not the deafening blasts of doom.”

~ William Dean Howells, author

(1837 - 1920)

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