
Friday, April 27, 2012

Beach Scene

A golden winged dragonfly

lay upon hard packed white sand

A delicate turquoise insect 
Blown in by the winds?

Hard packed sand stretched on and on, 
many hued broken sea shells sharply paved surf's edge

families, brightly suited, splashed and played on or near shore
surfers rode curling waves, coming in low to wait for the next one.

Cannonball jelly fish washed up, spaced far apart
lay bloated and shiny drying in sun and wind.

This lone dragonfly seemed 
perfectly suited to the scene
even though still waters, 
a usual habitat where
food and shelter abound, 
were close.

There is really nothing more to say ~ except why. But since 
why is difficult to handle, one must take refuge in how.“       
  ~ Toni Morrison

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