It is easy to say ‘set your intention’ to someone who has a dream in their heart, a wish in their soul and no roof over their head. A dream as basic as wanting to pay the rent, to finish a high school education or as complex as changing a life time of habits. Those habits may be destructive - active addiction, violence, deceit, ~ or maybe just a different job, learning to ride a bike.
Looking into hesitant eyes blue or brown, hazel or gray. Hearing tempered excitement about plans to live a different life. Whatever directions have become tore and tattered in the intent to explore and have adventures assuredly are lost in the chaos of that previous life. And ‘that life’ may have started in childhood, adolescence or even in later years!
It may be easier to be dismissive and say ~ ‘You’ll never make it.'
'There’s too much water under your bridge.'
'You’ve done and said too many bad things.’
And if I think those thoughts, because I have, I keep them to myself. Although I may think I know, I do not. It is not mine to see into someone else’s future.
So one more time, I say “Set your intention to do and be. Then make plans, and take steps in the direction you have chosen. It is never too late to move forward, to make the changes that you want to make. To find the people that will help you to take the next steps.” I am privileged to stand at the edges of these dreams where miracles begin in small steps.
“We live at the edge of the miraculous.”
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