There are a lot of possibilities on a Sunday afternoon. Especially a sunny Sunday afternoon when the breeze is light and dogs run and play on Dallas Road. One I hadn’t anticipated is a musical at the Belfry Theatre. Puttin’ on the Ritz is a play, created by Don Shipley, the Belfry's first Artistic Director, high lighting the music and lyrics of Irving Berlin. Four extremely talented actors and singers had us thoroughly entertained with amazing singing and hilarious antics. Lauren Bowler, Andrew MacDonald-Smith, Katrina Reynolds and John Ullyatt sang and danced the familiar Irving Berlin songs, putting little twists and turns to Irving Berlin's wonderful music. They performed Puttin' on the Ritz in this the 40th Anniversary of the Belfry Theatre. Forty years ago, Puttin’ on the Ritz was the play that opened the Belfry Theatre at a time when money and participation was tight. Glynis Leyshon, this year’s Director for Puttin’ on the Ritz, also directed the 20th Anniversary revival of the same play.

I would be extremely remiss if I failed to mention the marvellous pianist Nico Rhodes who played the multi-varied score throughout the entire presentation. Brad L’Ecuyer, second keys, backed him up with additional piano accompaniment as well as sound and keyboard effects.
Sunshine ~ or music, laughter and dance? It was an easy and perfect choice.
“Music is so important. It changes thinking, it influences everybody,
whether they know it or not. Music knows no boundary lines.”
~ Irving Berlin
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