looking for a story
inspiration on city streets
under clear blue sky
buses letting off moms with children,
teenagers playing hooky
moving vans filled with plain cardboard boxes, mattresses, sofas and deep walnut furniture
bright red convertible open to the sun
matching gray heads with hair flowing in the wind,

smiled at me and rode on down the sidewalk ~
yellow fluffy spider swinging jauntily from the top
a young woman in a sundress, red hair swinging
smiled and greeted me as we passed on the path
workmen in hard hats hammering and building at construction sites for more condos and apartments
a pond filled with water lilies and Koi gold and white

I ended my walk this morning
finding more than one story
so many possibilities on city streets
under the clear blue sky.
“Most stories are based on something real.”
~ Paula Weston, Shadows
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