
Wednesday, May 22, 2019

On the Street Where I Live

Sometimes I wonder. I wonder about all the little things I do in a 
Opened with today’s sun!
day. The fragments of things that could be called frugal, or judicious, or just being a tree hugging conservationist. Like planting succulents, that require less water, rather than other plants. Or, I don’t know, reducing and reusing plastic bags. Walking when I could ride a taxi or a bus - or even rent a car? That last one had a greater impact than I was aware of. 
At first it was the result of an accident that totalled my car but left 
me unhurt. Then it was about the money that I could save - or maybe use more judiciously in my life. Then it was about not contributing to the emissions into the air. 

My thoughts travel, with much gratitude, to all the people that work in and support the car industry. The industry of the people that must travel long distances for reasons of health, employment, groceries and vacations has been supported by these motors and wheels. Not to forget orchardists, farmers and ranchers that supply humanity with food. Back to my own little corner of the world, do any of those savings of water, paper towels or reuse of plastics (or not buying new ones) save even one little fish in the vast oceans of our planet. Or even one microscopic plankton! I really don’t think my little actions could be traced without a lot of very expensive and possibly boring research. 

However, I read. I watch and listen to documentaries about our planet. I could say that climate change is all made up and that the welfare of our forests and wild animals are unimportant. Or I could say, and I adamantly do say, that climate change is logical because of the less than charitable way we have treated even our own personal footprints. The next step for me is to take action. Even a tiny one. To change my own mind set about the very convenient, but disappearing, world we are living in. Have I shorted myself in anyway? I don’t think so. When I look closely I can find alternatives. Using rags from old clothing instead of paper towels. Only one. And why should I? Because I think it’s the right thing for me to do and it brings me joy. The joy of recreating my own earthly sphere. Being one much smaller footprint than I was ten years ago, or even five years ago. My contribution to the community at large - shopping at the local butcher shop, using the services of those employed by the bus systems and the taxi companies. Walking as much as possible. As long as I think about my actions in life and choose the most healthful, I believe I may just have created a tiny ripple on the street where I live.

“Everybody talks about wanting to change things 
and help and fix, but ultimately all you can do 
is fix yourself. And that’s a lot. Because 
if you can fix yourself, it has a ripple effect.”
~ Rob Reiner

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