Today - November 21, 2019 |
July, 2019 |
Today - November 21, 2019 |
On a whim and needing a breath of fresh air, I stepped out on my patio. Temperatures dropped through the night so a check on my little cactus garden was also in order. I had purposely left a jade plant, two split rock cactus and a crinkle leaf cactus outside. Brought the rest in the house. All to see which ones would be happy, which ones would not. Well, it seems that they’re all happy, especially the crinkle leaf cactus which has a teeny tiny blossom on it. Crinkle Leaf Cactus and Split Rock Cactus are South African desert plants. I’ve provided the photo from July of this year when the Crinkle Leaf cactus had sent out what I guessed correctly were flower stems. They have kept growing, and growing, with only hints that I might see flowers. As it has gotten Victoria colder, I had given up that I’d really see anything. This morning I got more than a breath of fresh air! This wee blossom brought joy to my heart and a smile to my face.
“If we could see the miracle of a single flower
clearly our whole life would change.”
~ Buddha
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