
Tuesday, November 19, 2019

A Squirrel Story

From Spring of 2018
Sitting in the sun, surveying the small plot, the squirrel sat back on his haunches. Plump, with thick gray-brown squirrel hair, his (or her) tiny paws nibbled on some tiny bit of leaf or twig. Watching from inside my living room, I thought  ~ ‘I should get my camera!’ As though getting ready for a good photo-shoot, the little guy (or girl) jumped down from the low stone wall and, in one hop, skip and scamper, jumped up on my little garden container. Settling his fluffy tail, back turned to the watchers, I dismissed the camera thought. As though reading my mind in frustration, that daring little squirrel turned around, sat up and stared at me almost daring me to move. As I turned away ~ the little rascal jumped off into the yard and took his leave with an arrogant flick of his bushy tail. No camera ~ no photo……of the squirrel.

“The squirrel in my yard really knows his way around the neighborhood.”
~ Bob Saget

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