
Thursday, August 13, 2020

Chapter One, Episode 138 - A Valued Core - Situationally Theirs

Review, Revision, Edit and Update
Stray comma's removed, tightening up wordiness, a few sentences restructured. A short piece, this episode was a pleasant read. 

Valued Core

There was no reason for it. Emelina's thoughts went round and round. She had surprised herself when she told Dez about her long lost child. She was calm, as though talking about someone else. Some young girl who had little knowledge of the world and babies. A young girl who kept her secret long past her youth. Looking at herself in her mirror, she touched the stray strands of gray in her hair - forty seven is too young for gray hair. She could be a grandmother now. Had she ever wanted any of that or was she trapped in the old world of women, marriage and children - and career. For years she had felt guilty about never telling Michael that they had a child. When he died all of her guilt exploded into shame. When she and Dez had gone walking in the orchard, she expected that in the telling, she would break down sobbing - or some other great drama. That had always been her norm. What do the psychiatrists call it - ‘hyper reactive behaviour’? Her emotions were like leaves in a windstorm. She did have a tear, but that was about all. Telling Dez about that whole mess was like braving the windstorm and watching all the leaves fly away. 

Emmie slept well that night. On Monday morning, she and her sister barely saw each other before Dez returned to Hartley. When Brigitte came in, she said she had just seen her. “She was really chatty and cheerful - more than usual.” Emmie poured coffee for them both while Brigitte hung up her jacket. Over her shoulder she said “She’s just had some news and is very excited by it.” Then she changed the subject to Brigitte’s weekend. “How lovely, Brigitte.You deserved a nice weekend. Emelina told her about the gargoyles and cornerstones that she and Dez had found on their weekend. Later, when Brigitte was on the phone making a couple of appointments, she replied to a text from Dez. Full of little excited emoticons, Dez said she would support Emmie in any way she could. Emmie replied Slow down Dez. I’m not going to be looking for her. She has a family, another life and this pandemic has already upset all of our lives. Let’s just let her be. Emmie called Dez later that evening. After thinking about it all day and throughout her short work shift, Dez could see the wisdom of her sister’s decision. When Emmie called, they both had their pyjamas on and a cup on hot tea. “Now that we’re both comfortable, Dez, let’s not have any talk about grief or how we don’t have any more family than the two of us.” Dez seconded her sister’s motion with little hesitation. She added “We are our own family, Em.” Even though these two sisters had been together for an entire weekend, they talked for over an hour about whatever came up.

“Sticking with your family is what makes it a family.”
~ Mitch Albom, For One More Day

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