Review, Revision, Edit and Update
Most of my revision for this piece was related to little ghostly Sarah, the motorcycle, and a wee bit for Samuels role. I also added scene setting to some dialogue that was sadly in need of that grounding. Once more I did repair some typographical errors.
Ghosts, Motorcycles and Gardeners
When there is mix of generations as there was at the supper table that night at the Beaufort state it can be as though everyone takes a scripted role. Everyone, usually, is on their best behaviour. Because Joey was the new kid on the block and had come for an interview, he was already on his best behaviour. He was on his best behaviour from the moment he got in the car, while his mother drove him to the Estate and throughout the evening as well. He hadn’t known many old people. His grandparents had not been in his life except for their occasional visits at Christmas or Easter. Sometimes on summer vacation, he would go with his parents to one set of grandparents or the other.
His mother wasn’t pleased that he would be doing maid’s work for that uppity Beaufort woman, but there were few jobs for teenagers because of the pandemic. Joey liked the idea of getting out of the city even if it was to do ‘maid’s work’. “Mom, I do the same work here at home!”
“That is different, Joseph. Here at home you are cleaning up our mess and respecting our home. At that woman’s house you’re just making things pretty for a woman that probably won’t even appreciate it.”
“It’s just a summer job, mom and it’ll get me out of your way for a few hours. Please, mom.You and dad need some time to yourself when you’re both working from home.” Joey really wanted to work out there. He knew Brigitte and liked her, so trusted she was steering him in the right direction. He’d have a job with pay for the same thing he did at home for free.
Mrs. Tucker, his mother, was very hesitant about this latest venture of her son, but he was insistent. If he did get the job, he be biking the five miles to and from the Estate. Maybe that would take care of some of his pent up energy. But for today, she had to take charge. “I’ll be driving you out to your interview, Joseph. I need to see this place up close. Make sure your phone is charged before we go, you'll need to call me when you're ready to come back.”
“I don’t want you to wait for me like I am some kind of a little kid.” When they did drive out to the Estate, Joey practically had to push the car to get his mom to turn around go back to Hartley. The interview was pretty short, but Joey was given a tour of the part of the house he was to keep clean. Digby had Brigitte show Joey where everything was, what rooms were to be cleaned and that’s when Joey learned about the ghost. “You mean there really is a ghost? I'd heard about it...just rumours around town.”
“She’s actually quite sweet - as ghost’s go. One thing you need to know is about the cutlery and china in the china cabinet. Sarah - that’s the ghost - gets very angry when the order of things is changed. That’s what Martha told me. So I’ve left it alone. Let me call her……..; 'Sarah’…..’Sarah’……I have someone I want you to meet.”
Joey looked carefully all around the room. He was kind of creeped out. Didn’t know whether she’d jump out at them or just appear all of a sudden. Joey jumped when he heard a whispery voice from the corner of the room. “Hello, Brigitte. Who is this that I’m to meet?” A young girl's faded form emerged on a dining room chair pushed against the wall. For Brigitte, it was the first time she had actually seen her. “Hello Sarah, it’s good to finally meet you. This is Joey Tucker and he’ll be doing the cleaning up here now.” Sarah slid down from the chair and drifted over to Joey. She looked up at him with her vacant blue eyes and stared at him. If Joey had been creeped out before, he was starting to shake. “He will do, Brigitte.” Sarah vanished.
Joey's voice was almost as faint as the ghostly voice of Sarah. “Can I sit down, Miss Brigitte? That was ……that was……I was scared. Did I really just see a ghost?” Brigitte laughed. “Oh you are scared. You’re pale and shaking Joey! Yes please, sit down and breathe. I think she liked you. But here's what I need you to know. Always greet Sarah when you come in. Just a ‘Good morning’ or ‘Good Afternoon’. Tell her who's here - that would be you - and then go about your work. I’ve never had a problem. Are you sure you want this job?” Brigitte wondered how he would handle meeting a ghost. “Yes, ma’am, I certainly do. I can handle the ghost thing. She just really surprised me.”
Brigitte was relieved but could see that Joey was still a bit shaky. “Come on downstairs to the kitchen and get something to drink? We can look in the fridge and see what’s there.”
Once Joey settled down over an ice-cold glass of lemonade, his confidence returned. He took a deep whiff of the moist kitchen air, turned around to the cook and said "Whatever you’re cooking sure smells good, ma’am.”
Brigitte spoke up “Another thing you’ll have to learn out here is not to be calling everyone ‘ma’am’ or ‘sir’.” Joey often heard that from some people. He didn't understand it, but tried to stop. “Miss Brigitte that’s the way I was taught from the time I could talk. I’ll try, but I won’t promise to get it right all the time.”
Rather than lemonade, Brigitte had made herself a cup of coffee. After taking a sip of the fresh hot coffee, she said to Joey “Back to that good food you can smell, Miss Emmie suggested I ask you to stay for supper. You would get to meet most of us. Would you like to stay? We’re not usually all here for the supper meal, but tonight most of us are. I could give you a ride home when we’re done.”
Joey did call his mother, but it was to tell her that he had been invited for supper and would be staying. “How are you getting home? You know your father and I are going to a concert in the park til ten, Joseph, so we won't be able to pick you up.”
“It’s ok, mom. Brigitte will bring me home.” Joey failed to mention that Brigitte drove a motorcycle not a car. He hoped she didn't remember. She had made comments about 'that noisy, dangerous motorcycle-thing' so Joey knew she wouldn't approve. He kept his fingers crossed when he heard his mothers voice sounding suspicious “Who is Brigitte? Don’t you be riding with any strangers.”
“She’s not a stranger, mom. Brigitte lives across the street. You know who I mean. She still lives with her parents. She's ok, mom. Trust me.” Joey got so frustrated with his mother sometimes. Did she forget that he was sixteen - almost seventeen years old.
“She had better drive safely. I don’t want any police office at my door telling me that my son’s been in an accident.” Joey sighed. Sometimes his mom could be so hard to get along with. She was the sweetest, gentlest mom in the world at home, but then this other mother would show up all protective and smothering.
“It will be ok, mom.'" He caught himself before he said 'She’s a good driver and I saw an extra helmet on her bike.' Joey didn't want to tell her that he might be able to take the motorcycle out for ride sometime but didn’t want to panic her .
“So, what do you think of the place?” Brigitte was at her motorcycle, getting helmets for them both. She handed one to Joey. “It’s o.k.! Everybody seems real nice and Cook is a real good cook.” Joey accepted the helmet and put it on, fumbling a bit with the chin strap.
Brigitte raised her voice as the motorcycle roared into life. “When you’re out here, expect to get fed. It might just be cookies but knowing Cook she’ll have sandwiches ready for you. She always makes a lunch for the gardener - big sandwiches with her delicious homemade bread. She’s not here every day but always check the fridge when you come. If she’s made something for you it’ll be in the fridge with your name on it.”
Joey was pleased as only a sixteen year old can be when food is mentioned. “Really?” This job was getting better all the time.
The motorcycle had settled into a low rumble. “Yes, really. I was just 25 when I started here. No one told me about the food perk from Cook. After a while she came to me and asked if I didn’t like her cooking because I hadn’t touched any of the snacks that she left for me.” Brigitte loved the extra food. At the time, cash was in short supply and the extra food was welcomed. “Changing the subject, before we go there’s someone else I’d like you to meet. You’ll be able to see him working from the dining room window.”
Instead of heading out toward Hartley, Brigitte and Joey slowly drove the short distance to the garden. She parked, they got off the motorcycle and Brigitte set it on its kick stand. She called out “Samuel!” Joey could only see an orchard, a toolshed and a garden. Brigitte gave a little wave. An old man was coming out of the toolshed. He stopped and shaded his eyes with one hand. As he approached she said “I have someone I want you to meet.” As they neared, Brigitte said: “Samuel Forrester meet Joey Tucker. Joey will be taking over my cleaning chores for the upstairs for the summer. He starts, I believe, tomorrow? Or is it the next day?”
Joey nodded his head and replied. “Tomorrow afternoon. …….. I’m very pleased to meet you Mr. Forrester.” Samuel threw back his head and laughed out loud. “Just Samuel, young’un. No Mr. to my name 'cept on my paycheque.” Joey grinned at Samuel and said “I’m just Joey.”
Brigitte could see that the two would get along just fine and that Samuel was about to get on with his story telling. “Time to go, Joey before it gets dark.”
“Sometimes we have to meet people where they are, Ollie.
Honor their desires, regardless of our own.”
~ Tess Hilmo, With a Name like Love
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