This episode was a joy to work with. I particularly am fond of Samuel and Elizabeth. Not only do I like these characters, but it didn't seem like there were many revisions to make, although there was an addition of over 400 words. Specifically, as I have done previously, I added more content that supports dialogue and that better sets the scene. I didn't notice any timing issues.
Secret Love
Samuel brushed the dirt from his hands, letting it fall on the ground between the rows he had just weeded. On the way to his little house, he kicked a few small clods of dirt from his boots. At the sink in his house, he pumped water into his basin. He could have used the tap, but kept the old hand pump in use because, according to him, it worked better. He scrubbed his hands clean. When he went up to the house for his morning coffee, he saw two cars parked at the back porch. One was Elizabeth’s. The other was familiar but he didn’t know who it belonged to. Quietly he opened the screen door and as quietly opened the inner door. There were two voices in the kitchen. He hesitated, listening for a bit so he knew who was there. Sometimes it was only Elizabeth talking to herself or she may have a radio playing. But the presence of the other car made him cautious. He needed to know what he was walking into.
“Samuel, get in here. You don’t need to lurk out there in the mudroom listening to us. It’s just me and Miss Dez.” Elizabeth always knew when he was there, no matter how quiet he had been. Samuel shook his head. How does she always know? “I’m coming Elizabeth. Just wanted to take my boots off.”
“If you say so, Samuel. You haven’t eaten a thing yet, have you?” Cook made certain everyone ate well. Even if they had, she always made sure they had more. Keeping a close eye on Samuel she always made sure he had decent meals. “I had one o’them biscuits with that blackberry jam you gave me the other day.” While the Covid19 virus had isolated Elizabeth away from her kitchen for a time, Samuel had to eat his own cooking. His menu was limited to his collection of canned foods in his one cupboard. Tomato soups, beans and grilled cheese sandwiches, each of them rotated. He was pretty happy when she was back at her stove.
Elizabeth's softly stern voice kept up “I’ll tell you like I told Miss Dez. If you’re going to be working out in the yard all morning - and it'll be a warm one - then you need more than a biscuit with a bit of jam. You’re skinny enough as it is. I’ve already got your plate of bacon and eggs ready.”
“And some hash browns, Samuel.” Dez had stopped eating while she listened in amusement to the two banter back and forth like an old married couple. “You’d better get in here. Cook’s pretty feisty this morning.”
Samuel shook his head. “She’s pretty feisty most mornin’s, Mz. Dez. Everybody thinks it’s Digby runs this place, but if Elizabeth walked out that door today, Mz. Beaufort wouldn’t know what to do.” That was a pretty long speech from a man who only talked that much when he was telling a story.
“Did you wash your hands?” Cook glanced at Samuel’s hands from where she stood at the stove. Samuel held out his hands to her, turning them twice from calloused palm to gnarled and tanned back. He looked over at Dez “See what I told you? Like I was six years old and didn’t know any better.” Elizabeth smiled, her back to her tormentors. She served up her own plate of food, picked up her nearly empty mug and sat down by Samuel. She drank up the last of her coffee. Dez had gotten up from the table to take her dishes to the dishwasher. Elizabeth raised her empty cup to her. “Miss Dez, honey, when you put those dishes down, would you get me some fresh coffee. Seems this mug is empty.” Dez smiled, set her dishes down by the dishwasher and got Cook's coffee.
“Do I smell bacon and eggs?” Emmie came into the kitchen from the upstairs. “Good morning, you three.” Clean and polished, she was dressed as though she had an appointment in town. Dez set the coffee pot back down on the warming pad. “Are you ready for coffee, Emmie and where are you going this morning?” Dez looked a little worried. In the orchard, they had planned to search for any previous irrigation system. Emmie looked surprised at Dez's worried face. “Out to the orchard with you to find that irrigation system, if there is one.” Now Dez was really curious. “Why are you all dressed up if you’re working with me in the orchard?” Emmie wore a fairly new looking pair of light blue denim jeans and a short sleeved shirt that looked freshly starched. Her only jewelry was a pair of gold ear studs, very understated for Emmie. A pair of well used sneakers were on her feet, all of that Emmie’s attempt to get ready for manual labour. “I’m not dressed up - at least I didn’t think so. If I was dressed up, I be wearing my good clothes. I didn't see any reason to tear them up just to work outside.”
“Well Mz.Beaufort, if those duds are not tore up now, they soon will be.” Samuel scraped his plate clean, getting the last bits of eggs, bacon and potatoes. Emmie laughed a little uncomfortably. “You’re right Samuel. I guess then I’ll look like a proper hardworking orchardist, instead of a society woman playing ‘just pretend’.
Cook waved her hand towards Samuel and Dez. “Don’t you listen to these two, Miss Emmie. Just get yourself some breakfast and sit over here across from your sister. She doesn’t have any room to fuss at you. She tried to get away with a banana and chocolate cake for breakfast, but I gave her a decent working breakfast.” Cook grinned at the two women.
Samuel finished up his coffee, took his dishes over to the sink. He was getting restless. “I better get goin’, Elizabeth. Too many women in here for my likin'. Me with no back up. I thank you for breakfast.” If they had been alone, Samuel would have given Elizabeth a peck on the cheek, but as it was he just patted her on the shoulder as he made his escape. Elizabeth reached up her hand and brushed his fingers. “Come up for tea later, Samuel.”
Samuel disappeared out the back door in an instant. Dez and Emmie exchanged glances at the barely noticeable exchange. Emmie kicked Dez under the table. “Ouch” whispered Dez. Louder she said “As soon as you’re finished your breakfast, let’s get out to the orchard. Samuel may be able to help us out.”
“There is a name hidden in the shadow of my soul
where I read it night and day and no other eye sees it.”
~ Alphonse De Lamartine,
Fr. writer, poet, and politician (1790-1869)
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