When I am reviewing any episode, my revisions are often preceded by a question about the reason for certain statements or sentences. For example: "Always dressed casually, this time Dez was dressed specifically in casual gardening clothes." This posed the question: What is the difference between the underlined words? I was unable to define my own words, so pulled the mother card and replaced them with "Always dressed casually Dez often looked 'put together' as their mother would say. She still looked 'put together', but this time ready for hard work rather than going to out to lunch. Timing is another issue that I've gleaned from this episode - Joey and Samuel were having lunch, and, what seemed only a few minutes later, Dez and Emmie were talking about the immediacy of supper. I worked at balancing that issue.
A car pulling up to the back of the house, dragged Emmie's attention away from the scene at the garden. Her sister, Dez, had made a surprise visit. From the back seat she took an obviously well packed back pack. Dez shouldered her back pack and turned and waved to Emmie. Always dressed casually Dez often looked 'put together' as their mother would say. She still looked 'put together', but this time ready for hard work rather than going to out to lunch. From the trunk of the car, she took out a pair of rubber boots and leather gloves. Emmie approached the car “Dez, you look like you have a plan to get some serious work done. Are you staying the night?”
As Emmie approached, Dez, weighed down by all that she brought with her, adamantly said “No, sister dear. I’m here for the weekend. Matt has given me an orchard assignment.” Matt Hamilton, a friend, orchardist and beekeeper, would be helping Dez with her projects. "He'll be out on Sunday to see my progress. You and I have managed to mow down the grass between the trees, but now I have to find the irrigation system, if there is one. Do you suppose Samuel will be around on the weekend? He may know something about that.”
Emmie ran ahead of Dez to the back door. Opening it open for her, she replied “Dez, Samuel is here right now if you want to see him tonight. He’s out there with Joey Tucker, the new cleaner. Joey’s going to be taking care of that little garden plot I had Samuel dig up for me. I’m just not taking care of it. Joey heard me talking to Cook about it this afternoon and asked if he could take it over.”
“Is that Joey's bike?” Dez pointed to the slimline bike leaning up against the back porch. “It looks like a good one. I hope he locks it up when he’s in the city.”
Emmie nodded. “Yes it is. I'm sure he must take good care of it - it looks fairly expensive. He must have worked a lot of odd jobs to buy it and keep it in such good shape. His parents may have helped him buy it. Anyway, he’s out there with Samuel. The two of them seem to be getting along just fine.” Emmie followed Dez into the house. “Did you have anything to eat before you came out?”
Dez, put her gloves inside one boot and set her boots in the boot rack. Straightening up, she smiled “Only a snack. It's still to early for me to think about supper. I'll be hungry for supper when it's time. Cook has given me permission - actually almost an order - that when I come out and a meal is not too far off, I’m to come hungry. I can’t argue with that logic. But, has Cook started anything yet? If she hasn't, I have a suggestion for supper.” Dez put her backpack at the foot of the stairs. "Cook's already cooked up a pot of beef stew and has left for the day. She left me in charge of the stew on the stove. Her instructions: 'I've left I on low but be sure you don't let it burn and there's fresh scones on the table'." The sisters both laughed. Dez was relieved. Pizza or Cook's stew? There was no contest. "I guess all we'll need to do is set the table and eat when it's time."
"Dez, why don't you take your things upstairs and get settled in my old room? I've still got a few things to go over with Digby." Emmie was still trying to get a sense of the costs for the Estate. "He'll be done for the day shortly, so now's a good time for a short talk."
"Dez, why don't you take your things upstairs and get settled in my old room? I've still got a few things to go over with Digby." Emmie was still trying to get a sense of the costs for the Estate. "He'll be done for the day shortly, so now's a good time for a short talk."
An hour later, Emmie and Digby's came out of his office. Digby, ready to call it a day and Emmie looking forward to the evening with her sister. Dez was already downstairs, had set the table and was going over the material Matt had given her. What to look for? Where the irrigation system might be? She looked up when she heard Emmie and Digby. Digby greeted Dez as he passed through the kitchen "Hello, Miss Dez. You two ladies have a good evening."
Just as Digby left, Joey poked his head in the door. “I’m on my way now, Mrs. Beaufort. Hi Dez. Is Cook still here?” Emmie was pleased that he was letting her know that he was leaving. “Thanks for letting me know, Joey. Cook is gone for the day, but is there a message for her?” Emmie turned towards him from the stove where she was stirring the stew. “Just tell her that chocolate cake was the best and I didn’t share it with Samuel. I’ve got to get going or mom will be worried. I told her I’d be home by six and it’s already twenty after five. And thanks for the garden. Mom will be excited. Dad’s going to give me all kinds of gardening tips.” And Joey disappeared as fast as he had appeared, the door slamming as he left the house.
“Now there’s a respectful young man.” Dez was impressed. “Coming in to let you know he was leaving. Thanking you for the garden. Nice.”
Emmie brought the stew over to the table and handed a ladle to Dez. “He did have problems this morning with Sarah. It was really quite cute - at least to me. The poor kid was pretty upset. Almost ready to quit.” Emmie glanced up the stairs when she spoke.
“Really? What happened? Did she hurt him?” Dez was concerned. Her only experience with the Estate resident ghost was seeing her from a distance. Since then almost everyone had seen her at some time. Cook was the only one who hadn’t told her anything. “He didn’t look scared now, so he must have recovered.” Emmie laughed “It was probably the chocolate cake Cook put in Samuel's lunch basket.” She continued in amusement. “Our little ghost girl, Sarah didn’t hurt him. In fact, I think she has a crush on him and he doesn’t know what to do about it.” Emmie told Dez about what a pest Sarah was being and how frustrated Joey had been. From upstairs came the sound of furniture being moved. Sarah must have been listening. Ignoring the noises from upstairs, Sarah asked Dez “Now, what was your idea?”
“I was going to suggest pizza, a movie and popcorn. But, we'll be replacing the pizza with the stew Cook left for you - and now me. After that, it’s still a movie and popcorn. I have to admit, Sarah being up there does make me a bit nervous. Is there a lock on the bedroom door - although I suppose ghosts don’t have problems with locks. How about A Beautiful Mind on Netflix?”
“When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t
compare or compete, everyone will respect you.”
~ Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching
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