Review, Revision, Edit and Update
The first couple of paragraphs were not too bad. Then, it's as though I just wasn't paying close enough attention for my final edit before posting this episode on Aug.20. Restructuring sentences with attention to over use of names and/or improper pronouns. Only one or two typo's.
To all the copy editors in the world of the written word, I salute you. What would our books be like if everyone was left to their own devices?
Dez and Emmie had ridden in silence most of the five miles into town. Almost as an aside that no one would answer, Emmie said “I wonder who she is and why she’s calling for me?” But Dez did answer her. “Your Dr. Crawford must know something that you don’t Emmie. He’ll tell you.” After that they were silent. Stars winked out of the fading night sky. Glowing red and gold, the early morning sun crept across the horizon awakening the sleeping city. Traffic at that early hour was light. It was just after 4:30 when they pulled into the hospital parking lot, almost empty of cars. By the Emergency department doors, an ambulance had just pulled in and was unloading a stretcher. One of the EMTs was holding up an intravenous bag as the stretcher, with its unrecognizable cargo, was steered into the ER by his partner.
As Emmie got out of the SUV, she looked around for Jeremy. “He said he’d meet us at the front doors.” They couldn’t just run into the hospital. A security guard asked them why they were there and went through the usual questions about symptoms and travel. They could see Jeremy standing inside pacing and looking anxious. Before leaving the Covid19 unit, he had discarded the gown, mask and gloves he was wearing, donned a fresh mask and took the elevator to the main floor. The sisters were both given clean face masks at the hospital entrance. Emmie felt not only anxious, but fearful. She gripped Dez’s arm. It was good to feel her solidness. “Jeremy what’s going on?” Dez spoke up.” Yes Jeremy, why have you called us at this hour? With little explanation? Emmie is pretty worried and upset and I’m not impressed at all.”
Jeremy had already started shepherding them to the elevator. “I’m just grateful you’re both here. Emmie, you could have just hung up on me. Dez, you could have refused to come. I think that when you hear what I know of Mrs. Tyler’s story, you’ll understand why I called you.” While they riding up to the sixth floor, Jeremy went over all that had happened since he had come on shift. Getting report from the young doctor about patient’s numbers and conditions, talking with the nurses, making rounds and verifying Mrs. Tyler’s condition, answering the phone, staying with Mrs. Tyler for two hours trying to keep her alive, and finally returning to the nurses station. “That’s where this gets pretty sticky, Em.” He turned to her sister. “Dez, I am really glad you’re here.” The elevator stopped, its disembodied voice said “Sixth floor”; Jeremy ushered his friends into a dimly lit hallway, accompanying them to the Visitors Lounge. “I’ll be right back. I need to make sure I’m not needed and I have something I want you to see - to read. Dez, here’s some money for coffee. It’s just vending machine coffee but it’s not bad.” Jeremy disappeared into the shadowy corridor, a small, but distinct, green light over each patient's room, towards the more brightly lit nurses' station.
“How is everything, Miss Green? Mrs. Tyler? Is she still stable?” The nurse gave him quick report. “Everyone is fine. I made rounds when you left the floor. Everyone is settled and yes, Mrs. Tyler is stable. I assume her visitors are here?” When Jeremy nodded she said “You go on to speak with them. I’ll call your pager if you’re needed.” Jeremy thanked her, picked up Mrs. Tyler’s paperwork and returned to the visitors room. He had thought long and hard about whether to show Emmie the papers, concerned about Mrs.Tyler’s confidentiality. But Mrs. Tyler had the picture of this young girl, with Emelina’s name on the back of it and Mrs. Tyler’s condition was precarious. Emmie paced the room. Dez played a game on her cell phone.
Jeremy's voice broke the silence as he stepped back into the Visitor's Lounge. “We can talk now. Everything is quiet. Mrs. Tyler - that ’s the woman I’ve called out about - is sleeping. She had taken a bad turn, but is settled right now.” Sitting down in one of orange chairs lining the room, he decided to dive right in. “Emmie, do you recognize the name Carrie Tyler?” She stopped pacing and looked at Jeremy, “I’m sorry Jeremy, what was it you said? - Carrie Tyler? No, I’ve never heard that name before.”
Jeremy sat down, the adoption papers, secured in a ziplock bag on his lap. “Why did I call you? Because I think you are related to her, but I’m not sure. I have a hard question to ask you, Em. If you don’t want to answer it, you don’t have to. If you think I’m out of line, you can leave and never speak to me again. But hear me out.” Jeremy leaned forward, looked up at his friend standing in front of him, He took her hands in his. “Emmie, were you ever pregnant?” Sitting suddenly back in his chair, he shook his head. “Damn. This is none of my business, but she has a picture with your name on it, Em.”
Dez stood up forcefully. “Come on Emmie, let’s go. He’s right. It is none of his business, picture or no picture.” Emelina held up her hand. “No Dez. In this situation, it is his business. If this woman is close to death, she deserves to be heard. Jeremy, what are those papers you’re protecting?” Frustrated, but curious, Dez sat back down. Softly Jeremy said “They’re adoption papers, Em.”
“Can I see her, Jeremy?” Emelina could barely speak. “If not right now because of her condition, we’ll just stay here - well, I’ll just stay here. Dez, here are the keys. You take the SUV and go back to the house if you want. I’m staying until she’s awake. But she may be too ill to deal with this right now?” Her sister took the keys, but didn’t move. “I’m not going anywhere, Em. Jeremy, how long can we stay up here?” The doctor's pager went off. “I have to go see what’s needed and I’ll let you know, but you may have to leave soon. You're not officially family members. I overstepped my bounds by bringing you up here. I’ll send one of the nurses in.” And he was gone taking the package of adoption papers with him.
Within minutes, one of the nurses came in to the room. “I can’t stay to explain, but you will have to leave now. Dr. Crawford has your phone number and will call you as soon as he can.” Quickly, Dez spoke up “Tell him that we will be staying in town at Dez’s apartment.” The words barely our of her mouth, the nurse was gone. “Come on, Emmie. Let’s go to my place. You can stay with me as long as you need to ’til you find out what you can do for this Carrie Tyler.” Emmie reached for the keys but Dez just said. “I’m driving. You look like you wouldn’t be that focussed at the wheel.”
“Being supportive often means waiting and listening and
more waiting until you’re better able to understand the drama.”
~ Fred Rogers
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